Pastor’s Corner – July 15, 2022

Today’s message is from Pastor Pam Sutherland of the St. Paul United Methodist Church & Fort Gibson United Methodist Church.

This last week or so has been stormy. We’ve had some “gully-washers” with thunder and lightning, and downpours so thick you couldn’t see to drive. Those storms can be really scary as you wonder whether you’ll arrive at your destination safely. Other times the storms were fairly light and came and went in intervals making it difficult to decide when to get out and run those errands or mow the grass. The other night as we prepared to have supper outside with friends, we were watching the weather forecast closely wondering if we would get caught in a downpour. Technology allows us to view several different weather forecasts at a time and each of them showed a different prediction of when the storm would come, and how severe the storm might be. The decision whether to stay home or risk getting wet or possibly soaked was a matter of faith. Faith in which prediction we ultimately believed, and faith in our ability to handle whatever the storm might bring.

We all face storms in our lives. Some come with the ferocity of a gully-washer with lightning and thunder, making it hard to see past the moment. We wonder if we’ll make it through safely. Other storms may just make it difficult to know what decision to make in a given circumstance. Whenever we face a storm in our lives, there can be so many voices telling us what to do, how to react. Our decisions, ultimately, are a matter of faith. The question is, in what or whom is your faith?

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 8, Jesus and His disciples are crossing a lake when a huge squall came, swamping the boat and causing great fear. Meanwhile, Jesus is asleep, seemingly unaware of the danger. When they woke Him up, told Him they were drowning, He calmed the storm. Then Jesus asked, “Where is your faith?”

When we are caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think God is asleep, or has lost control and we are just at the mercy of the winds of fate. We search for answers and help from friends, co-workers, the internet, hoping we will find something to help us get through. All the while, Jesus is right there. Reading, willing, and more than able to help. He just wants us to have faith – in Him. He is the one who never leaves, never forsakes us. Sometimes He calms the storm raging around us, sometimes He calms the storm within us. Either way, he will see us through to other side.

Where is your faith when the storms come?

Grace and peace,

Pastor Pam

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